Dec 6, 2023Liked by Heidi Barr

No doubt about it, winter is hard when your 70. When I was young it was wonderful, and I couldn't wait for it to arrive. Now, the cold somehow penetrates to my core, so I think I need to look at winter more like a seasonal challenge. I don't really like challenges, but I need them, and since I can't move away to the warmth, like my sister and her husband, I'll stick around and say to myself, Hey, how many layers can I put on and still be able to walk out there?

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Heidi Barr

Taking photos outdoors - a frosty sunrise, icicles by the creek or on the eaves, snow crystals on weed stalks, sunshine sparkling on a snow-covered field, bird tracks on a snowy railing, etc. The camera helps me notice and capture the beauty of winter.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Heidi Barr

A beautiful post and helpful. I loved reading the list of wintering tips. I smiled knowing that I practice a number of the things on the list. I feel encouraged, and I am going to change into my fleece lined leggings and go for a walk on the trail near my house.🌼



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