Heidi, I found your writing via some one and then some one. I am glad I did. It’s an art to write so beautifully about something so ugly! We might hear more from you on Substack then 😇

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What a read. I’m sorry to hear this Heidi. We all need that reminder that we are not our job, thank you for this. I hope you’re ok x

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Jan 24Liked by Heidi Barr

gosh Heidi, this is so hard. You seem to be responding to the layoff notice with grace and calm. I am surprised that one would be notified by email about being laid off. I think that when someone has given their time and talent to an organization, being let go deserves a phone call. Sending positive vibes on this stressful event.

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24Liked by Heidi Barr

Oh my, Heidi! So sorry you're going through this and that you received the news in such a jarring way. Thinking of you especially at this time of uncertainty. And I'm happy to support your work through a subscription. Your posts always inspire me.

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Bummer, Heidi. But as these things go, it may turn out to be for the better! ✊🏽

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Wow. If only you had a benefactor who could make it possible for you to write full time. At least then you'd feel self actualized.

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